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Take Your Customer Relationships to the Next Stage: Level Up Your Engagements on Facebook

Author: Ellice Dojillo
Date: July 6, 2022

On cool off mode with your customer relationships? Here’s how to bring them back and increase your engagements on Facebook!

Just like any other relationship, as a business person, the relationships you make with your customers matter greatly. They determine your business’ success and so if those customer relationships of yours aren’t sailing as smoothly as they used to be, it’s time to level up the way you do things so you can finally take the business relationships you make with your audience a step further.

Today, we’re bringing you the important tips you need to know to increase your Facebook engagement. But before we do that, let’s first do some dissecting to further understand the impact of Facebook engagements.

What are Facebook Engagements and Their Significance Anyway?

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Facebook engagements refer to any action that Facebook users direct onto your Facebook page. These actions can come in the form of reactions, comments, shares, and clicks on the advertisements, links, or basically anything else you post on your page. They’re pretty simple, but their impact means a lot for your business.

Getting more Facebook engagements can mean gaining a bigger reach which would lead to a bigger crowd of customers and gaining better relationships with your current customers.

Now that you understand what Facebook engagements are and how important they truly are for doing wonders for your business, let’s now go on to the tips.

Facebook Engagement Tip #1. Get to Know Your Audience.

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Do you know how people say that you shouldn’t expect things to work if you don’t know much about the person you’re in a relationship with or even actively try to get to know them? The same thing works with your business relationship with your customers. If you don’t even try to get to know your audience or potential customers, don’t even think that you could ever get to the next stage with them, which is when they begin to buy from you or become loyal to your business and continuously buy from you.

In order to get a lot of engagements, you’ll need to create the right content and in order to create the right content, you have to know your audience.

Do some customer analysis by checking out the statistics. Understand consumer behavior. Keep on studying and keep on reading. When you understand how your audience operates, they will certainly engage with you and your page more.

Facebook Engagement Tip #2. Post When Your Audience is Most Likely to Be More Active.

When you post at a time that your audience is most likely to be active, then your posts on your business page have more of a chance to gain likes, comments, and shares which would definitely lead to a higher chance of gaining even more potential customers.

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You can find out when the best time to post is simply by looking through the Meta Business Suite’s Planner which is one of the tools you can find once you enter your business’ Facebook page. Once you access the planner, there are already suggested and calculated times that Facebook deems the best time for you to post. Follow that and you’ll surely get a higher chance of a bigger crowd of customers coming in – a crowd that could be a mix of people who have already been your customers and completely new customers.

Facebook Engagement Tip #3. Make Your Page Interactive and Interact with Your Customers!

If what you’re looking for is more engagements, then you’re definitely going to have to really engage with your customers.

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Speak to your audience by finding ways to make your page interactive and fun! You can make your page more interactive by opening up polls, creating a safe space for your customers to voice out their thoughts related to your business and products, or by uploading more visuals such as striking photos and eye-catching videos that are original.

Once you try any of these tactics, people are bound to begin speaking to you and once they do, don’t think that it should end there. Go ahead and interact with them and continue the conversation. The more you are able to interact with your customers and continue the conversation you opened with them, the more your engagements will increase.

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Once you incorporate all these tips on how you handle your Facebook page, your engagements will surely increase. When they do, be prepared for the sea of customers that will be coming in. Protect the business and customer ship you created that is peacefully sailing by handling that sea of customers properly through none other than Bling!

Bling is a business-friendly platform that is more than ready to organize all the interactions your customers make with your Facebook page through the amazing customer relationship management tools within the platform such as an auto-populating CRM! Other than Facebook, you can also get any Instagram interactions with your customers organized as well.

And the fun doesn’t even just end there. There’s more! Bling is also ready to give you your very own personalized business phone so that you won’t have to go through the hassle of using your personal phone any longer. In addition, Bling also has a never before seen feature called “Rate Your Customers” which will allow you to do exactly that so that your business and other businesses within the Bling world can be alerted of potential scams and irresponsible buyers.

It’s all amazing, isn’t it? Well, what are you waiting for? Begin your journey in the Bling world now by starting your 14-day free trial!